The NC State Student Government stands in strong support of students' First Amendment rights to protest, recognizing this right as fundamental to the protection of free expression and the encouragement of inclusive campus environments.
The NC State Student Government calls upon the other 16 constituent institutions of the University of North Carolina to ensure the safety and protection of students exercising their First Amendment right, as well as the safeguarding of that right thereof.
The NC State Student Government reaffirms, supports, and further encourages the resolutions and efforts already passed by each of the UNC System campuses’ Board of Trustees and shared governance structures to protect student, staff, and faculty free speech and protesting rights.
The NC State Student Government supports the UNC ASG in urging the North Carolina Board of Governors to safeguard the Constitutional First Amendment rights of its nearly 248,000 undergraduate and graduate students by ensuring that these rights are respected and protected across all campuses within the UNC System without attempts to limit it.
The NC State Student Government strongly opposes any efforts to create system-wide policies to further restrict students’ rights to assemble and engage in spontaneous expressive activity beyond those that substantially disrupt the functioning of a university, as
defined and established in the current policies, regulations, and rules.
The NC State Student Government advocates for transparent policies and procedures at each constituent institution that explicitly affirm the right to peaceful protest and assembly, and that provide clear protocols for protecting the safety of protestors and the campus
The NC State Student Government commits to monitoring the implementation of this resolution and supporting students in their efforts to address any infringements on their First Amendment rights.
A copy of this resolution be sent to the Chair of the Board of Governors, President Peter Hans, NC State Board of Trustees Chair Weisiger, NC State Board of Trustees Vice Chair
Stack, Chancellor Randy Woodson, the Vice Chancellor and Dean for the Division of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Doneka Scott, Associate Vice Chancellor and Associate Dean of Student Life and Advocacy Dr. Donna McGalliard, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor Carrie Zelna, Assistant Vice Chancellor Justine Hollingshead, and General Counsel.
This resolution shall be effective upon its enrollment.