Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment
With increasing threats to the expression of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in our academics and campus community, my commitment to upholding and supporting the DEI initiatives and projects within the Legislative Branch is at the forefront of my platform. A threat to DEI is a threat to every student on campus. Whether you are from a marginalized background, a rural area, a student with a disability, or simply a student pursuing an academic degree, these concerns manifest in every corner of NC State University. The Legislative Branch has the abilities to make powerful recommendations to the University, and as the Student Senate President I will advocate passionately to defend the numerous benefits that DEI offers for our campus community.
Naila's Plans
Engage in conversations with Faculty Senate and Staff Senate to defend academic freedom of professors to teach DEI related material as well as for students to learn in an unrestricted environment.
The development of a cultural awareness and competency training for Senators.
Supporting and assisting the Diversity, Inclusion, and Outreach Senate Committee in their future work for cultural, community events.
Positive Effects for Students
These plans will help to bridge the gap in which the University fails to support the underrepresented students on campus due to the stricter laws in North Carolina and in the United States. I will be an advocate for students to protect their academic learning environments, and I will work with Faculty and Staff members to advocate these concerns to the University and the UNC System. The cultural awareness and competency training for Senators will ensure that they are equipped with the knowledge to support and equitably represent the diverse student population. The promotion of increased cultural events will help to foster cultural immersion and much needed representation for minority students in a predominately white institution.
Transparency of the Student Senate's functioning process, initiatives being pursued, and legislation in development is important for students to hold their student leaders accountable to accurately represent them. Students have the right to question, "Are the people who are elected in advocating for my concerns doing a sufficient job?" We are here to represent the student concerns, and if the Student Senate is not properly upholding this commitment, I welcome any dissent. I plan to work diligently to ensure that students are kept up to date with the functioning of the Student Senate. Additionally, this can drive student involvement with the legislative process to have their voices heard and represented within the Student Senate.
Naila's Plans
Work with the appointed Senate Press Secretary to establish consistent 'This Week in Senate' posts that highlight the agenda items discussed during Senate meetings.
Ensure the proper functioning and accessibility of the live-streamed and recorded Senate meetings.
Encourage Senators drafting legislation to engage with student organizations relevant to the topic and seek their advice and support.
Positive Effects for Students
Currently, students' awareness on Student Senate's legislative process is limited. The student body deserves to have the opportunity to become knowledgeable and engaged with their student leaders' work. Consistent 'This Week in Senate' posts will promote transparency of the bi-weekly Senate meetings. Publicized Senate meeting live-streams and recordings will allow students to view our meetings if they are unable to attend in person and conveniently keep on track with our progress. Involving student organizations in the development of legislations will create credibility in the Senate's work to accurately represent student concerns. This connection will engage NC State students to be hands-on in the legislative process and make a positive impact on campus.
Student Outreach
Senate College Delegations have recently begun taking shape and expanding their outreach to students within the past two Sessions of Student Government. I will foster an environment for the Student Senate that uplifts and encourages Senators to be more proactive in the campus community through their work of delegation outreach. Delegation outreach enhances the interpersonal connection between Senators and students and prompts discussions of concerns that the student body faces and how we as a Student Senate can address them. Outreaching to students will help to drive student body awareness on the resources Student Government offers to support them and their development throughout their time in NC State.
Naila's Plans
Work alongside the DIO Committee Chair to encourage and advise the Senate Delegation Heads to plan more outreach events than of what is required.
Instate community-based supply drives and initiatives that offer relief and support for current issues the student body faces.
Positive Effects for Students
Students will have a direct line of communication to voice their concerns and be part of meaningful change on campus. Student outreaching from Senators will establish beneficial relationships to those in our campus community. This work will educate students about how Student Government can support them through Finance Committee grants, Appropriation funding for their student organization, or ways to get involved with Student Government. Additionally, promoting supply drives and initiatives will allow Student Government to give back to the communities that are facing challenges. I will bridge the connection between student Senators and the student body to create a healthier and engaging campus environment.
Leadership Development
Through the creation of leadership development opportunities for student Senators, they can develop into confident leaders that passionately advocate for student concerns. Student Senators will be equipped with the skills to take up legislation and personal projects that can make a direct impact on campus. Through my open door policy, it will create a sense of trust between my position as Student Senate President and student Senators, and facilitate honest conversations on a widest range of topics. A student Senator that is confident is a student Senator that will stand up for what they believe in, and they can carry their assertive activism throughout various groups within the University. Leadership development opportunities shape the future leaders of Student Government, and it is our responsibility to equip them with the necessary roles and education to be an effective leader.
Naila's Plans
Open door policy: I will foster a space that Senators can bring any idea or project they would like to work on, and we can discuss logistics, ways to plan, or actions that can be done to help Senators be successful in their personal goals.
Host more frequent legislative workshops for student Senators to learn how to write legislation.
Encourage Senators to take the lead on projects or legislations and help them to develop their skills for effective communication to Student Media, the University, and campus partners.
Positive Effects for Students
Leadership development opportunities directly impact student Senators, but they have an indirect impact on the students in which Senators represent. The open door policy will help to bring light to the overlooked concerns students face, but it will reinforce their relevancy and importance to addressing all concerns. Empowering the student Senators in personal pursuits will help to instill self-confidence and defend their constituency. It will additionally motivate student Senators to have increased discussions with University members outside of our Senate meetings, which will bring further awareness on concerns that the student body faces.
Senator Engagement
One of my main goals for the 105th Session as Student Senate President is to work to ensure that Senators elected or appointed in the 105th Session will stay Senators until the end of the Session. The key to making this happen is to improve the current process of Senator onboarding and engagement. This will tackle the lack of Senator retention throughout the Session and will ensure that Senators have a lasting dedication to continue in the Student Senate and represent the student body. The student Senator position is not to be taken lightly; we have long meetings, various Parliamentarian procedures, and extensive governing documents. Formalizing the training of student Senators will ensure a proper transitioning into their elected or appointed position and aid Senators into making informed decisions that are representative of the student body. Professionalism in the Student Senate for the current 104th Session has been overly serious to a point in which Senate meetings seem like a job and not an extracurricular, which moves Senators to resign. I will ensure Senate meetings are lively and fun where Senators can enjoy debating and being active in Senate meetings.
Naila's Plans
Formalizing and instating a Senator onboarding training which every Senator, elected or appointed, will have access to for referencing the rules and processes of our Student Senate.
Development of community-building activities for the Legislative branch members outside of the mandatory Senate meetings.
Uphold a commitment to making Senate meetings an enjoyable environment that drive Senator involvement and attraction to Senate meetings.
Positive Effects for Students
Proper training for student Senators will help them assimilate into their predominant roles on campus and ensures they are educated and knowledgeable to be a leader within the student body. Student Senators are likely to resign or miss Senate meetings if they are daunted by the complexity of the Student Senate, but a formalized training will ensure they are well supported to carry out their role. Community-building events create partnerships and personal connections with other Senators, which drives Senators to continuously return to Senate meetings due to these sustainable social support systems. Enjoyable Student Senate meetings encourage Senators to remain involved and motivated to return, even for our lengthy meetings. The student concern can only be addressed if your student leaders are engaged in Senate meetings and demonstrate a long-term commitment to the Student Senate.